WASHINGTON – Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX), Chairwoman of the House Appropriations Committee, released the following statement after voting in favor of H.R. 3746, the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023. 

“At the beginning of this process, liberal Democrats were expecting they would raise the debt limit and continue their mindless spending spree with no holds barred. Instead, Speaker McCarthy forced an agreement that achieves the change in direction the American people want to see in Washington. In spite of the fact we conservatives control only one of the three parts of the legislative process, Speaker McCarthy won several important concessions and was clear with the President that unchecked spending must stop and common-sense reforms must be adopted to get our financial house in order. 

“This agreement paves the way for appropriations bills to be signed into law for the next two fiscal years – with funding prioritized for our military and our veterans. At the same time, this agreement reduces and reallocates lower-priority spending.

“This bill is the largest spending cut in history - over $2 trillion in taxpayer money.

“Additionally, the Fiscal Responsibility Act: 

  • Funds the levels requested by the Pentagon for our defense programs. Tens of thousands of 12th Congressional District residents work for defense contractors or serve in the military.
  • Prioritizes our veterans’ programs which serve nearly 50,000 of our neighbors who proudly wore the uniform of our country.
  • Fully protects Social Security and Medicare.
  • Streamlines and removes unnecessary barriers in environmental permitting for energy projects, unleashing tens of billions of dollars into our economy.  Energy production is a $455 billion industry in Texas.
  • Immediately cuts $1.4 billion President Biden wanted for more IRS agents.
  • Claws back nearly $28 billion of unneeded and unspent COVID money.
  • Places new, fair work requirements for welfare recipients that reinforce work ethic, grow our workforce, and reduce welfare spending.

“Some of our friends are critical that we didn’t get more. I wanted more too. But we got the change in direction we need, and we can’t lose that. We conservatives need to build on this win. It’s a step in the right direction that my constituents are demanding, and that is why I voted for the bill tonight.”