Washington, DC – Congresswoman Kay Granger released the following statement after Congress passed the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act, which will now go to the President to be signed into law. Among other critical water infrastructure projects, this bill authorizes the transformational Trinity River Vision (TRV) project.

“I have been a staunch advocate for TRV since its beginning, and have worked every step of the way to make this vitally important flood and economic development project a reality,” Granger said. “The benefits of TRV to the people throughout the region simply cannot be overstated. That is why so many citizens, groups and community leaders have worked tirelessly to see it through.

“With an estimated economic impact of over $1 billion to the area, TRV will bring jobs and opportunities to people throughout our region and make necessary improvements to outdated flood protection infrastructure along 88 miles of the Trinity River. New economic development will transform the river into the heart of our community – adding 800 acres to our dynamic downtown, and connecting it to our world-class Cultural District and Stockyards.

“The passage of this important legislation is a dream come true for Fort Worth. After many years, the Trinity River will finally be treated like the prized possession it is.”