Dear Friend,

Not that long ago, President Obama put together a non-partisan Jobs Council that offered policy ideas to help ease economic uncertainty and create jobs.  Ideas like the now-abandoned Keystone XL Pipeline.  We have voted over and over again to put principles proposed by the Jobs Council into action only to be stopped by the U.S. Senate and the Administration.  In fact, we have passed 30 jobs bills in the House of Representatives in the last year.  We have supported policies that will help create an America that truly is built to last. 

This week the President’s State of the Union address offered a lot of familiar themes but no real solutions.  While it is natural to agree with the President on his desire for a better future for our country, getting to that better future requires real legislative work. 

As we begin a new year in Congress, I hope the President joins us in pursuing the solutions our constituents demand.  We will deliver for middle class families and job creators. We’ll keep on working to implement an all-of-the-above energy strategy that promotes job creation and secure, affordable energy supplies.  And we’ll keep on fighting to protect taxpayers and reduce the regulatory overreach of the federal government. 

With unemployment at its worst level since the Great Depression, bipartisanship cannot just be a concept that is mentioned in speeches.  We must embrace bipartisanship to make sure that legislation that really will help those who are hurting makes it to the White House to be signed into law.  This is a crucial time when Congress and the Administration have to get things right and have to get things done.  There is too much at stake and the American people expect us to help lead this nation forward together. 



Kay Granger
Member of Congress