Dear Friend,

For the month of August, Congress is out of session for an extended District Work Period.  During this time, I have had the opportunity to visit various facilities, meet with community leaders, and speak with constituents representing a wide variety of groups, industries, and interests in the 12thdistrict.

Small business owners are concerned with increased regulations, the possibility of increased taxes, and the effect our debt crisis will have on them.  Representatives from the energy sector are also concerned with increased regulations, and worried that the House legislation increasing use of our domestic energy sources will be held up in the Senate.  Non-profits that provide workforce training are frustrated by the lack of available jobs.  The residents and staff I met with at a nursing home in my district are fearful of steep cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.  

Having the opportunity to speak to my constituents face-to-face and hear what they are concerned about and what changes they want to see is invaluable to me.  Although the specific issues and challenges facing each of them are varied, their core concerns are closely aligned:  they want certainty, stability, and accountability from their government, and they are not getting it.

When the legislative session begins again in September, I will return to D.C. to continue fighting for job-growing measures and controlling Washington’s spending.  Texans are frustrated with the stalemates and partisan politics in Washington.  I know the people of the 12thdistrict want real solutions, not political maneuvering.  I will keep advocating for you, and keep working to preserve America for our children and grandchildren. 

Kay Granger